Why I Write
Throughout my life, I've longed to understand the world and people around me.
Since childhood, writing has offered me a way to shine light both outward and inward, a way to find comprehension and hope amid life's chaos and grief.
From a space between cultures, countries, and philosophies, I ask questions: how can we better connect to one another and to our planet? How can we reach across our dividing lines with empathy and honesty? How can we love through our own pain and darkness?
I admit that, even after years of writing and publishing essays, poetry, and fiction, it's still hard for me to let others read my deepest thoughts and view my innermost self. However, at every turn, I've found encouragement, acceptance, and kindness. Being seen has been profoundly affirming, healing—even mystical at times.
Thank you for allowing me to share my work with you.
Professional Bio
Dheepa R. Maturi is an Indian-American writer who explores ecology, culture, identity, and how they intersect. Her essays, poetry, and fiction have appeared in a variety of literary journals and anthologies, including Literary Hub, PANK, The Fourth River, Sequestrum, Tiferet, and How to Write a Form Poem. Her work has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize, and she is the author of 108: an Eco-Thriller, to be published by GFB in June of 2025.
In the past, Dheepa has worked as a lawyer, consultant, and education grant director. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago and now lives with her family in Indianapolis. To read some of her work, visit DheepaRMaturi.com.